Mamfehene organizes an experiential educational tour for BECE candidates

By Bertha Badu-Agyei, GNA 

 Accra, July 2, GNA-Osabarima Ansah Sasraku, Mamfehene who is also the Kyidomhene of Akuapem has organised an experiential educational tour for Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates in the area to some selected Senior High schools (SHS) and the University of Ghana. 

 The objective of the tour is to inspire the final year students who are candidates for the 2023 BECE scheduled for August, to have exposure to higher education as well as stimulate their imagination to strive for higher education and not end after the BECE. 

 The candidates were drawn from Mamfe Methodist Junior High Schools (JHS),  Mamfe Presby JHS and Saforo M/A JHS and they toured the Mamfe Methodist Girls SHS, Okuapeman SHS, Presbyterian Boys SHS, Legon, in Accra. 

 The Mamfehene said the tour was part of several strategies devised by the Kyidomman Council including the presentation of critical textbooks to the final-year students, to improve the standards of education in the area and to ensure that the final year JHS students continue the full cycle of the education ladder and not to end after the BECE. 

 In spite of the several high-grade schools located on the Akuapem ridge, records show that most children do not make the grades to be admitted to these schools and that had been a source of worry to many including the traditional authority. 

 According to Mamfehene, a survey at the various public basic schools showed that most of the students had not visited any senior high school in their lifetime and also had low confidence which he described as not too good for improved standards. 

 “We hope that this gesture would broaden their horizon and inspire them to study hard and make the grades to be enrolled in first-class schools, and we also hope to demystify the myth that first-class schools like Legon Presbyterian Senior High School, are reserved for a certain class of students,” he said.  

 Mr David Odjidja, Headmaster, Presbyterian Boys SHS, described the tour as a novelty which would go a long way to build the confidence of the students as well as make an impact on the students to learn hard and enter SHS. 

 He commended the Mamfehene for the initiative adding that the grade A schools like PRESEC were not a preserve for a certain class of people but the backgrounds of many people especially in public schools outside Accra limited them from accessing admission and was optimistic that it would change the narratives come September admissions. 

 “I have no doubt this exposure given to the students is going to be a game-changer. I am looking forward to most of the boys coming here in the next academic year and also having further engagement with the chief to sustain the goal,” said the headmaster. 

  During their tour, the students visited science laboratories, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Laboratories and other facilities at the schools and the Balme Library at the University of Ghana.