NCCE engages youth groups at Nanumba North on violent extremism

By Albert Futukpor

Bimbilla (N/R), June 22, GNA – The Nanumba North Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has engaged youth groups in the municipality as part of efforts to prevent violent extremism in the country.

The day’s event, held at Bimbilla, was aimed at ensuring that the youth understood the negative consequences of joining violent extremist groups and appreciate the legal framework that barred the activities of violent extremists and terrorist groups.

Some of the key state actors and non-state actors, who participated in the event, were the Nanumba North Municipal Chief Executive, and his staff, the Police Commander in the area, Nanumba North Youth Parliament, Konkomba Youth Association, Nanung Youth Association, SIPEB, Fulani and Fulbe Youth Association.

Others were CAMA Group, hairdressers’ association, tailors’ association, GPRTU, young drivers’ association, yellow yellow drivers’ association, Nanumba Musicians Association, United Konkomba Musicians Association, and welders’ association, among others.

The event was in line with the Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism project being implemented by the NCCE with funding from the European Union to strengthen state and non-state actors in the fight against violent extremism in the country.

Alhaji Abdulai Yaquob, Nanumba North Municipal Chief Executive, speaking during the event at Bimbilla, highlighted the realities of violent issues in the municipality.

Alhaji Yaquob urged the youth to cherish peace and be responsible in their behaviours at all times and support the security agencies to clamp down on bad nuts in the area.

He called for concerted non-partisan efforts to deal with the current violent youth activities in the area.

Mr Issahaku Mahamudu, Nanumba North Municipal Director of NCCE, highlighted the potential threat of extremists, especially among the youth.

He advised the youth to venture into productive ventures and avoid situations where they could be lured to join extremist groups to foment trouble.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Mr Evans Vorvor, Bimbilla District Police Commander, who made a presentation on violent extremism, early warning signs, radicalisation signs, what to do during attack, community patrol activities, surveillance issues, urged the youth to eschew violence and be one another’s keeper in the communities.

Mr Yakubu Abdul-Rauf, Speaker of the Nanumba North Youth Parliament, made a presentation on peace-building mechanisms and national cohesion and urged all residents to promote peace in their communities.

Some of the participants expressed the need for residents to desist from stereotyping tribes and gross discrimination of minority tribes in the fight against violent extremism and called for peaceful coexistence.