AngloGold Ashanti Ghana demonstrates commitment to responsible mining in Obuasi 

Accra, June 17, GNA – AngloGold Ashanti Ghana says the Company’s environmental policy is focused on avoiding, minimizing and mitigating the impact of its activities on the environment and human health.  

“Our operations are tightly regulated by relevant Ghanaian laws, international standards, and industry codes of practice,” Mr Eric Asubonteng, the Managing Director, AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited said in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency.   

The statement was in response to media allegations of bad environmental practices at its Obuasi Mine. 

“The necessary regulatory permits and approvals are in place for our operations, with requirements to ensure our activities are conducted in a sustainable manner to protect natural resources, public health, and the environment,” the statement said. 

It said proactive environmental monitoring, which demonstrates compliance, was an integral part of their operations, following which they submit mandatory reports to the relevant government agencies as required by law.  

The statement said as such, there was an established comprehensive water management system that includes the following: “All wastewater from our operations (including our Tailings Storage Facilities) are collected into specially designated holding facilities 

“Our dedicated water treatment plants treat this wastewater to the required regulatory standards prior to release where applicable 

“A comprehensive sampling network to monitor the water quality within the catchment of our operations  

“Test results of the water quality monitoring are submitted to the regulatory agencies as part of our compliance strategy on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.” 

It said in line with the requirements of the EPA, over the period, AngloGold Ashanti Ghana continued to implement a comprehensive participatory reclamation programme to restore disturbed lands, which were not in use for mine operation, based on a regulatory approved plan, working in close collaboration with all stakeholders, including communities and local authorities.  

It said the commencement of the redevelopment of the Obuasi Mine in 2019, AngloGold rolled out a three-year Social Management Plan (SMP), under the theme: “Diversification of the Local Economy” as part of the Obuasi Redevelopment Project.  

It said as the SMP ended in 2021, they conducted comprehensive stakeholder consultations which culminated in the formulation of a longer-term (10-year) Socioeconomic Development Plan (SEDP), reflecting the longer life of mine.  

It noted that the Socio-economic Development plan served as a blueprint for the mine’s community and social investment towards building resilient and socio-economically self-sustaining communities. 

AngloGold Ashanti Ghana remained committed to responsible mining practices and sustainable environmental management and will continue to engage with stakeholders, address concerns, and provide updates on its reclamation efforts.  

The goal of AngloGold is to contribute to the well-being of the communities and protect the environment for future generations.