Peace and tolerance very important in Zongo communities – Wangara Chief  

By Muyid Deen Suleman 

Kumasi May 10, GNA – Alhaji Ahmed Ibrahim Watara, the tribal head of the Wangara community in the Ashanti Region has called for peace and tolerance among the various tribes in Zongo communities. 

He explained that until the various tribes understood and tolerated the cultural differences among themselves and allow individual tribes to practice their culture and traditions, there could be no peace and unity in the Zongo communities. 

Alhaji Watara was addressing the Wangara community in the Ashanti region at their annual “Kurubi” festival. 

Alhaji Watara said the Zongo communities needed a united front to galvanized development for the people and there was the need for all tribes to forgive each other and come together as a focal point of decision making in Zongo Communities 

The ‘Kurubi’ festival reminds the Wangara people of the migration and achievements of their ancestors as well as the present generation, after settlement in Ghana. 

The festival showcased the rich culture of the people of Wangara or Mande as well as the way they dress. 

At the durbar grounds the young virgins sit on a projected wooden platform called the “Kurubi Gbata” to display the Kurubi dance, while given the opportunity for single men to pick their choice. 

However, it is believed that all those who might have had sexual intercourse before, will fall from the projected platform. 

The climbing of the wooden seat is therefore, to identify and expose those who have had premarital sex. 

The virtue of virginity is therefore, instilled and promoted among the youth during the festival periods. 

 There were various culture dances and performances by the Wangara communities from across the Ashanti region. 

 In a good will message, Naaba Musah Akambonga, President of the Ashanti Regional Council of Zongo Chiefs, called on Zongo communities to continue to maintain the peace which was laid down by their forefathers. 

He implored the Zongo youth to choose their words carefully any time they had opportunity to talk in public.