NDC Primaries: Linda Akweley Ocloo retains Shai-Osudoku parliamentary slot, calls for unity   

By Patrick Ofoe Nudzi/Christiana Afua Nyarko   

Accra, May 15, GNA – Madam Linda Obenewaa Akweley Ocloo, Member of Parliament for the Shai-Osudoku Constituency, has called for unity among the constituents after her reelection for a third consecutive time. 

She said the victory was for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and it was necessary for members reorganised to canvass more votes ahead of the 2024 general elections.   

In a keenly contested National Democratic Congress Presidential and Parliamentary Primaries held in the constituency, the MP polled 673 valid votes out of the total valid votes of 1252. 

Her two main contenders, Prof Michael Kpessa-Whyte, a third-time challenger polled 560 votes whilst Mr David Tetteh Assumeng, a three-term MP, who had staged a comeback also polled 19 votes. 

With 1277 delegates expected to cast their ballots from 138 branches within the constituency, the poll for the Parliamentary slot recorded 1255 votes while three ballots were rejected. 

In the Presidential primaries, former President, John Dramani Mahama polled 1229 total valid votes, with Kojo Bonsu landing 14 total valid votes. 

The total valid votes were 1243 and 12 ballots were rejected. 

Addressing the delegates and party faithful after her declaration, Madam Akweley Ocloo thanked the delegates, constituency executives and all who contributed to making the election successful, fair and incident free. 

“Hard work pays and so I wasn’t surprised. I knew I was winning though it was a keen contest and so to God be the glory,” she said. 

Madam Akweley Ocloo said the poor road network was her priority and she was working to bring to the attention of the Government how deplorable the roads had been and needed urgent fixing.  

“As an opposition MP, it had not been easy. When the NDC comes to power led by John Dramani Mahama, our poor road network will be a thing of the past. Let’s all work together to make this dream a reality,” she said. 

The MP said: “I am going to bring everyone on board, this is just an internal contest and as a formidable force we will reorganise to wrestle power from the NPP in the 2024 general elections.”