Paramount Queen asks Ho MCE to dissolve market management committee

By Caleb Kuleke

Ho, April 19, GNA – The Paramount Queen of Asogli State in the Volta Region, Mamaga Akua-Dei II, has asks Mr Divine Bosson, the Ho Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), to dissolve the market management committee he formed to handle market issues.  

The Paramount Queen also asked that any representative of the Assembly working in the market be removed as the Assembly had refused to work with the traditional authorities.  

Mamaga Akua-Dei was interacting with the media in relation to the recent developments between the MCE and the acting market queen, which led to the demonstration of market women in Ho, who presented a petition to the Regional Minister, Dr Archibald Yao Letsa.  

She said the MCE’s refusal to work with the representative of the traditional authorities in the market was an act of insubordination, which should not be tolerated.  

 Since her installation in 1962, the traditional area had never witnessed such gross disrespect from a government appointee as being experienced currently, she said.  

Mamaga Akua-Dei disclosed that she selected one Madam Mansah Dagbey and with support from the chiefs and queen mothers from the five gates of Ho, she (Dagbey Mansah) was installed as the Market Queen as tradition demanded.  

She said Madam Dagbey became ill and unable to perform her role, so the traditional authorities selected Madam Joyce Norvixoxo, daughter of Madam Dagbey, to be the acting market queen.  

“When I returned from the United States of America, I was informed about a new MCE, called Divine Bosson, and his unwillingness to work with Norvixoxo, and an alleged statement he made that the market was not for Ho but for the Assembly,” she said.  

Mamaga Akua-Dei said she invited Mr Bosson to discuss the issues, and at that meeting he denied making such a statement but maintained that the Assembly was not prepared to work with Norvixoxo.  

She expressed regret over the entrenched position by the MCE and said the traditional authority would not withdraw its representative and would not tolerate any act of disrespect from government appointees towards chiefs and queens.  

Meanwhile, when Ghana News Agency contacted Mr Bosson, he confirmed that there was a meeting between the Assembly and some traditional leaders, chaired by Togbe Adzie Lakle Howusu XII, Warlord of Asogli State.  

He said the Assembly presented the adverse findings against Madam Norvixoxo in the distribution of stalls, allocation of spaces and extortion, based on which the Assembly came to the conclusion that she did not qualify to hold the position.