London: Ukrainian defenders of Bakhmut are under significant pressure

London, April 14, (dpa/GNA) – Ukrainian defences are still holding the western districts of the heavily contested eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, according to British analysts, but they are coming under increasngly heavy fire.

The area has been exposed to “particularly heavy Russian artillery fire” in the past 48 hours, the Ministry of Defence said in its Friday update.

It attributed this to better coordination between the forces of the Russian Defence Ministry and Russian mercenary group Wagner.

Also, the Ukrainian armed forces are facing considerable supply problems. However, they had withdrawn in an orderly manner from positions they were forced to abandon, the analysis said.

In the centre of the city, Wagner assault groups continued to conduct the main advance, while Russian airborne troops (VDV) had relieved some Wagner units securing the northern and southern flanks of the operation, according to the update.

The situation in Bakhmut has escalated in recent days, according to both sides of the conflict.

After months of fighting with heavy losses, Russian forces have recently gained terrain and captured about 80% of the city, according to Moscow.

Despite these difficulties, Kiev continues to insist it is not prepared to give up the city, which is now almost completely destroyed. Ukraine is forcing the Russian attackers to launch attacks that are leading to heavy losses, wearing down Moscow’s troops.

Bakhmut, once home to 70,000 people, now only has a population of a few thousand.

Bakhmut is of strategic importance as it lies on the defensive line established between the towns of Siversk and Bakhmut in the Donetsk region.

If Bakhmut falls, it will open the way for Russian troops to the major cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk, which would bring Russia closer to attaining its goal of completely seizing Donetsk.

The British Ministry of Defence has been publishing daily intelligence updates on the course of the war since it began in February 2022.

Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.