Brewing Industry Reports Record High Capital Investments in 2022

Sofia, April 27 (BTA/GNA) – Capital investments in Bulgaria’s brewing industry reached a record high of BGN 66 million in 2022. Most of this amount was invested in green innovations, the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria (UBB) said in its annual report, quoted on Thursday on the website of the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

Brewing companies prioritize investments in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and solar parks, and in smart production equipment and smart logistics with a high resource recovery rate. Analysis shows that all brewing companies which have invested in innovations to optimize resource management and utilization have increased their labour productivity and improved their market performance and reputation.

In 2022, the sector was once again a major contributor to the country’s economy. The brewing industry employed nearly 25,000 people. Of them, 2,150 (9%) were directly employed by brewing companies, 32% worked in the supply chain and 59% worked in trade, restaurants and tourism. The average contributory income of those employed in the manufacture of beer and malt increased by 20%-plus from 2021.

Beer production and sales generated over BGN 350 million in revenue for the public purse. The Customs Agency’s report for 2022 says that beer excise duty revenues grew by 3.4% compared to 2021. The industry’s value added totalled BGN 540 million.

The UBB’s seven members produce 99% of beer in this country, meaning that almost all the beer consumed locally is made by Bulgarian brewers, the analysis says. In 2022, beer sales in Bulgaria reached 5,230,000 hectolitres.

Non-alcoholic beer consumption increased further in 2022 – a trend typical of all European countries. This trend is driven by a desire for an active and healthy lifestyle, especially among younger consumers aged 18-30, the analysis says. They are increasingly opting for lower- or zero-alcohol drinks which are refreshing anywhere, anytime. According to the Union of Brewers, 5,570,000 litres of non-alcoholic beer were drunk in Bulgaria in 2022.