At least 120 said to have known about alleged coup plot in Germany

Munich/Berlin, Dec 15, (dpa/GNA) – At least 120 people, are said to have known about the alleged plans of the “Reichsbürger” (Reich Citizens’) movement, to violently overthrow the German government, after 25 suspects were arrested in nationwide raids on December 7.

Between 120 and 130 declarations were found, during the searches in which people pledged to maintain secrecy under threat of punishment, German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, reported to the parliament’s Interior Committee on Wednesday, according to participants at the meeting.

“Right-wing extremism, hatred and incitement to hatred, are sawing away at the pillars of our democracy,” Green Party lawmaker Misbah Khan, had said during the meeting.

The meeting also dealt with the question of how to assess the danger posed by the group, whose members are considered by the security authorities to be armed and ready for violence.

Faeser announced plans to tighten gun laws and make it easier to remove civil servants with anti-state views.

The possibility of tightening gun laws is contentious. Fellow Cabinet member Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, has already spoken out against the proposal.

“We have strict gun laws in Germany,” Buschmann told the RND media group on Wednesday. “But even the strictest gun laws don’t really help, when people obtain weapons illegally. We have to enforce our existing law better.”

However, Buschmann supports the interior minister’s plan to make it easier to remove civil servants, especially if they have access to weapons.

“What is crucial is that we identify people with anti-state sentiments early on, and remove them from the civil service,” he said. “That way they no longer have that access to weapons either. That is an important point.”

Last week, a terrorist group linked to the so-called Reichsbürger, or Reich Citizens, was targeted in nationwide raids.

The group is accused of seeking to build up its own armed forces to overthrow the state. A former lawmaker, a soldier and an aristocrat, were among dozens detained on suspicion of being part of the group.

Reich Citizens do not recognize the legitimacy of the German state. They often refuse to pay taxes or fines and in some cases, amass illegal weapons.