AMA rewards agricultural stakeholders on Farmers’ Day

By Albert Allotey

Accra, Dec. 3, GNA – The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) on Friday honoured 10 farmers and fishers including other agricultural stakeholders for their dedication and hard work at this year’s Farmers’ Day held at the forecourt of the Assembly.

The Overall Best Farmer of the Metropolis went to Ms Charlotte Quarcoo, a 45-year-old Fish Processor from chorkor-Mantsuluemin who has been in the business for 10 years with three permanent workers. 

She holds a BECE Certificate.

According to the Committee of Inspection of the AMA, Ms Quarcoo has eight chorkor smokers and processes 150 trays of various species of fish a day, and operates under hygienic conditions with good records.

She was awarded with a double door deep-freezer, three bundles of wire mesh, seven aluminium bowls, 52-kilogramme gas cylinder, a large size ice-chest and other assorted items.

The rest of the awardees received items ranging from Rambo 500 polytanks, deep-freezers, bags of fertilizers, spraying machines, shovels, wheel barrows, plastic chairs, waterholes, yards of lines, fishing nets, among other agricultural tools.

Madam Elizabeth Kwatsoe Tawiah Sackey, the Accra Metropolitan Chief Executive in an address expressed happiness in the progress of work undertaken by the Government at the James Town Landing Site.

She said: “This support from the Government will bring an increase in the production and distribution of quality food services to the people of Accra and beyond, as well as an increase in export earnings.”

Madam Sackey said this year’s 38th National Farmers’ Day theme: “Accelerating Agricultural Development through Value Addition,” was appropriate and was a clarion call on stakeholders such as producers, processors, consumers, transporters, waste managers, and others to consciously improve food production through value addition.

“This will, in no doubt, lead to wealth creation and jobs for the teeming youth not only for the good people of Accra but Ghana as a whole,” she stated.

Madam Sackey congratulated all farmers for their hard work and wished them success for the ensuing years.

Madam Daniela D’Orlandi, the Italian Ambassador to Ghana who was the guest speaker said farmer’s role in food sustainability and security was crucial and reiterated her country’s commitment to partner the government in the agricultural sector.

She said for this reason, about 20 representatives of Italian companies were currently in Ghana to meet their counterpartsto network and explore opportunities in the agro-business sector. 

Dr Charles S. Etse, the Accra Metropolitan Director of Agriculture in a welcoming address said to overcome the challenges of loss of fertile farm lands due to urbanisation, the Department of Agriculture had assisted households to establish home gardens.

“Several inhabitants are now eating what they themselves have grown in their backyards. The days of ‘operation feed yourself’ are back here with us again in Accra. “We urge and encourage people who desire to use their backyards productively to approach us to ensure they are reoriented to the position where agriculture will become a business to them,” he stated.”

The Chairman of the occasion, Nii Ahene Nunoo, the Abola Mantse and the Ga Atofoatse asked the awardees not to rest on their oars, but rather the honour bestowed on them should motivate them to produce more food for local consumption and export.  

Present at the occasion were Mr Okoe Vanderpuji and Nii Lantey Vanderpuye, Members of Parliament for AblekumaSouth and Odododiodoo respectively as well as chiefs and queen mothers.