The funeral of the late Swedru chief underway in the Central Region

By James Esuon 

Agona Swedru (C/R), Nov 23, GNA – The six-day final funeral rites of the late chief of Swedru, Nana Kobena Asiedu Botwe II, who died last year, have begun at Agona Swedru in the Central Region. 

The royal funeral celebration, which started on Monday, November 21, 2022, was organised by the Swedruman Traditional Council together with the entire citizens of the area. 

The occasion is expected to be attended by high profile government officials, chiefs, queen mothers and individuals across the country, which would be climaxed on Saturday, November 26 with a durbar at the Swedru Sports Stadium. 

Nana Kweku Esieni V, the Acting Chief of Agona Swedru, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the Traditional Council under the Overlord of Agonaman, Omanhene Okofo Katakyi Nyarkoh Eku X, had put in place measures to protect life and property before, during and after the burial of the late chief. 

He said more police personnel, including plain cloth officers, would be at the event to provide security, adding that ambulance service, fire service and other service providers, have been deployed to the area to enhance protection. 

Nana Esieni said the five communities, which constitute the Swedruman Traditional Council, have started to converge at the chief’s palace to pay their last respects to the late chief, who reigned for 53 years. 

He stated that the Council had given directives for all shop owners, store operators, and commercial drivers to host red flags on their vehicles and in front of their shops to signify the mourning of the late Nana Botwe.  

Nana Esieni expressed gratitude to corporate bodies, individuals and the entire citizens of Agona Swedru for their cooperation and support towards the funeral.