Quarter million flats in Kiev still lack power after missile attack 

Kiev, Nov. 1, (dpa/GNA) - After a Russian missile attack on the energy supply of the Ukrainian capital, around 250,000 flats were still without electricity in Kiev on Monday evening. 

Mayor Vitali Klitschko announced that water was still not available at 40% of consumption points. This means that the situation has improved since the morning, when 80% of the connections still had no water. Electricity had been out in about 350,000 homes. 

Klitschko expected the situation to stabilize further in the later evening hours. 

For Tuesday, he announced further electricity-saving measures in public transport. The metro, for example, would run less frequently. Electricity-powered trams and trolley buses were to be replaced by fuel-driven buses. 

On Monday, Russia again damaged many energy supply facilities in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities with rockets and cruise missiles.