Penyi Traditional Council inaugurated 

By Samuel Akumatey 

Dzodze Penyi (V/R), Nov. 10, GNA – The Penyi Traditional Area in Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region has been granted traditional council status. 

The status has legislative backing, conferring the presidency of the Council on the Paramount Chief of the area, and granting the power to establish traditional committees in the pursuit of effective leadership. 

Lily Fati Soale, Acting Chief Director of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, inaugurating the Council on Wednesday, said the elevation should be considered among the government’s commitment to positioning traditional institutions to enhance community development. 

She said for effective execution of the role, leaders on the Council must understand the processes and procedures of land administration, the various dispute resolution tools and other needed knowledge and skill. 

The Acting Director also asked traditional leaders to be armed with the Chieftaincy Act, which she said was “very important.”  

She said the Council would pave the way for the establishment of necessary structures including various committees, and congratulated the community, asking traditional leaders to work “hand in hand” to accelerate progress. 

Dzodze Penyi Traditional Council inaugurated

“The inauguration should be seen to integrate the people and traditional leaders towards the speedy development of the area,” the Director noted and added that the Ministry would provide the needed staff and training as part of “special attention” to the Council. 

Harry Attipoe, Registrar of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs said membership of the Council only merited gazetted chiefs and called forth Togbega Dadzie IV, Paramount Chief of the area as President of the Council, and Togbe Ekle II, a Divisional chief from Penyi Hattah, as member. 

The local Magistrate swore them, administering oaths of membership, judicial, and secrecy. 

The Registrar clarified that recognised leaders who were not able to attend the inauguration as well as rulers to be later gazetted would be duly sworn into the council. 

A Council Hall was also inaugurated to cap the event. 

Togbega Dadzie, who was enstooled last year, said in a speech, that the elevation of the area was “unprecedented.” 

“This has been my oriented dream since my instalment. We shall diligently pursue and position the council and develop it to meet the status,” he said, pledging his willingness to lead the institution in “full capacity” towards its mission. 

Togbega Dadzie pledged to foster peace and unity towards development, and grow a “strong, respectable Council. 

“The traditional council status is a call to duty – to get knowledge, strength and resources for proper use,” he added. 

The inauguration was attended by traditional leaders from across the Ketu areas and was widely witnessed.