Effia-Kwesimintim Municipal Assembly committed to investing in healthcare  

By Seth Danquah 

ntsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) has said the assembly was committed to investing in the healthcare sector for quality delivery to the people of the municipality.  

He said the assembly successfully organized numerous capacity-building and training workshops for all healthcare delivery to give them the requisite skills and knowledge for treating diseases and infections. 

Mr. Acquah, who was speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) added that there was successful distribution of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets to seventy-two thousand, four hundred and fifty-nine (72,459) residents. 

This represents 92.1 per cent of beneficiary households in the Municipality and is aimed at controlling malaria. 

He said the assembly has constructed One No. CHPS Compound at Adientem and Apremdo, and a two-storey health centre at Effia to deal with the deficit in its health infrastructure and make health services geographically accessible to all. 

The MCE disclosed that from the period of January 2020 to the second quarter of 2022, the Assembly had undertaken many interventions to reform its healthcare system in line with acceptable standards.  

Mr. Acquah pointed out that currently, there was no COVID-19 case in the Municipality and attributed it to the clever work of the Municipal Director of Health and staff of the Directorate, the COVID-19 Taskforce Team, NCCE and all healthcare providers within the Municipality.   

“Their efforts have yielded much fruit and it can also be attributed to the decision of you all to remain steadfast in your adherence to all COVID-19 protocols despite the associated challenges. To you all I say Ayekoo! You have indeed fought a good fight,” he stressed.  

He added that the Municipal Health Directorate with help from some community volunteers and stakeholders administered a total COVID-19 Vaccination dose of ninety-nine thousand, five hundred and twenty-five (99,525) to residents as of 11th March 2022.   

The assembly undertook the conduction of free Hernia Operation for residents in collaboration with the Regional Health Directorate and Operation Hernia UK and Ghana.   

In all, 56 residents were registered, and thirty-nine (39) cases were done whereas the rest were booked to be done in the coming weeks  

Mr Acquah thanked the chiefs and all stakeholders of the Assembly for their support since the inception of the Assembly and the confidence reposed in the administrators of the Assembly.