ECOWAS builds the capacity of technical staff  

By Francis Ameyibor

Tema, Nov. 01, GNA-The ECOWAS Commission has rolled out a five-day training programme to equip its Networks Technical Staff with sustainable practices in programming, identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation as well as reporting.  

The ECOWAS technical staff training which started on October 31 is expected to end on November 04 and aimed at building the capacity of the staff in Result- Based Management (RBM) oriented Project Cycle Management (PCM) to improve their management of project cycles using suitable tools and approaches to track progress and achievements. 

It would also focus on giving technical staff the tools to ensure effective decision-making throughout the project management cycle, the training details made available to the Ghana News Agency in Tema revealed. 

Mrs. Massandjé Touré-litsé Commissioner in charge of Economic Affairs and Agriculture of the ECOWAS Commission, in a speech, read on her behalf highlighted the importance of the network in accessing new markets. 

She also established a linkage between local and international markets and in value chains as targeted in the West Africa Competitiveness programme (WACOMP).  

She added that the training would reinforce the Networks capabilities in formulating monitoring and reporting on projects following best practices in the project management cycle. 

She said the training which targets front-line management staff from ECOWAS member countries seeks to empower the officers to identify the most crucial service delivery aims in a project while keeping in mind organisational limits in resources and capabilities, this workshop. 

Mr Frank Okafor, the European Union representative noted that such training would help managers develop planning tools that would be useful for impact measurement.  

He reiterated the European Union’s continuous commitment to strengthening trade in the region, especially through regional programmes such as WACOMP. 

Ms. Miyoba Lubemba, ECOWAS ITC’s Senior Programme Officer, also underscored the importance of the Trade Promotion Organisations (TPOs) Network in achieving economic growth. 

She highlighted the essential role of the Network in reducing poverty by enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises in a national and regional trade support ecosystem.  

She added that the week’s training, on Results Based Management oriented Project Cycle Management will equip participants with the skills to optimize limited resources and achieve trade impact. 

Dr. Ezra Yakusak President of the ECOWAS Trade Promotion Organisations Network emphasised how the workshop is an opportunity for participants to build competence in handling multi-task assignments with impactful results.  

He implored the participants to take advantage of the best practices and expressed thanks to the stakeholders for their commitment in ensuring the sustainability of the Network. 

The training is being held at the Nigerian Export Organised Council which hosts the Executive Secretariat of the ECOWAS TPO Network. 

The workshop is coordinated by the ECOWAS Commission alongside the International Trade Centre as part of the West Africa Competitiveness programme.