Residents appeal for construction of Taha Road 

By Rosemary Wayo

Taha (N/R), Oct 24, GNA-Residents of Taha, a community in the Sagnarigu Municipality of the Northern Region, have appealed to the government to construct the Taha Road to improve economic activities in the area. 

They lamented that some appeals to get the road tarred had proved futile even though they called on non-governmental organisations to also intervene. 

 When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited the area, the road had been graded, and minimised potholes that resulted from erosion during the rains. 

Leveling the road has, however, made the road dustier than it used to be, making it unbearable for residents and people who traded along the road. 

The busy nature of the road, especially in the mornings and evenings, always made it dusty as it linked over five communities to the Tamale township. 

Residents, who spoke to the GNA, expressed displeasure over the state of the road over the years. 

Ms Rahama Nuhu, a resident of Taha, who sold yam by the road, said “We thought construction work was about to begin to relieve us from this dust, but no. The road was just graded and left like this.” 

She said the shaping of the road might be good news to motorists, however, the dust emanating from the road was uncomfortable for residents and traders. 

Mr Mananu Yidana, also a resident of Taha, expressed worry over the number of times residents had expressed their concerns about implications of the dusty road, saying “We are tired of talking about this road yet nothing proper is done about it.” 

He said, “We had to pour buckets of water on our side of the road this morning to be able to sit for our activities.” 

The GNA observed that aside from the dust effects on residents, edges of the road were uneven and caved into drainages close by, making it dangerous for motorists and pedestrians.