Non-payment of contractors, reason for stalled road works-Highways 

By Fatima Anafu- Astanga 

Bolgatanga, Oct 12, GNA- Mr Philip Samini, the Upper East Regional Director of Highways has decried the non-payment of road contractors, saying it is the major reason most road constructions in the region are not completed. 

“For example, the partial reconstruction and upgrading of the Sumbrungu through the Bolgatanga Technical University to Zokor and  Namoog  Highway have stalled because the first certificate raised by the contractor at GHC 8 million for 12-kilometre part of the road has not been paid”.  

Mr Samini said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga when he gave an update on road construction in the area. 

He said some contractors were paid too little hence the difficulties and suggested that every contract be scrutinized by the engineers to meet the demands of the people and make room for adjustment, “if one is running a contract and it is becoming more expensive, there should be room to relook its scope.” 

The Director said roads in some parts of ‘Overseas’ in the North East Region had been successfully completed and were serving the people. 

“From Yagba to Kunkua, Yagba to Kubore, Yagbon to Gasenkpa to Daboya now a thorough road and from Weisi to Yilzeisi to  Anamalare- Kulun-Kpalwok Junction from Bulinga and Busa –Wa is now a thorough road as well as  Buligna to Busa towards  Wa in the Upper West Region. 

He also noted that from Chuchuliga to Weisi and Waiga to Sandema in the Builsa North Municipality were all on contract while the Bolgatanga to Naaga and the Navrongo road to Naaga had a twin bridge connecting them to Kadema in the Builsa North Municipality.  

The shortest road to Upper West Region, he said was from Sandema to Sinensi through Santidjan to Wahabu junction where a location of a bridge across the Sicili River, with the longest span Bridge of 120 meters, had been completed for the benefit of the two regions. 

On the Misiga-Kulungugu road in the Bawku area, he said the bridge had been replaced with a permanent one from its former bare bridge making travel there smooth and on the Tamne dam a twin bridge had been placed.  

“The roads have been thorough with the major Bridges expected on them and they are in their various stages of completion especially the launching of the beams currently being done.”  

He said three major bridges on the Red Volta at Tilli in the Bawku West District and  Kubore Bridge on the White Volta, had relief culverts that were discharging the floods and the dual Bolga -Kolar Bridge were all completed and in use. 

In response to what his expectations were, the Director said, “seeing road line markings in the city is what will make me feel accomplished.” 

 He said road markings were essential and called on contractors to think of the safety of the people and do what is right.