Adidas Examines Investment Opportunities in Bulgaria

Sofia, Oct 27 (BTA/GNA) – Adidas representatives are paying a visit to Bulgaria at the invitation of caretaker Economy Minister Nikola Stoyanov to examine the investment opportunities in this country, Stoyanov’s Ministry said on Thursday. The visit is a continuation of a meeting, held at the end of September, when the Bulgarian Economy Minister visited the company’s headquarters in Germany.

Stoyanov and the company representatives held a meeting at his Ministry, after which they visited Sofia Tech Park, where plans for the Park’s expansion and future development were presented.

Adidas is interested in locations that can offer value added to the development of the company’s digital products and technologies, it transpired from the meetings. “Sofia Tech Park is an excellent location for investors of your standing, while Bulgaria can also offer specialists at a global level, who can guarantee the final product’s added value,” Minister Stoyanov said.

According to him, Bulgaria ranks third in the world for IT specialists per capita and is in the top ten countries with highly educated software engineers in Europe, whose number has exceeded 50,000 in 2021. The total number of people employed in the IT sector exceeds 200,000. The company described Bulgaria as a source of talents in the field of Information and Communication Technology, digitalization and innovations.