Women farmers’ group plant trees at Yakort  

By Anthony Adongo Apubeo  

Yakort (U/E), Aug. 16, GNA – A total of 600 tree seedlings have been planted at Yakort in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region as part of efforts to mitigate challenges of climate change and improve agriculture productivity.  

The seedlings of different tree species included Cassia Siamia, Ceiba, Mahogany, Neem, Montalis, Eucalyptus, Buahiaia, and Moringa as well as some economic trees such as cashew, pawpaw, and mangoes.   

The Maltaaba Peasant Women Farmers’ Cooperative with funding support from the Forest and Farm Facility planted the trees on a parcel of land acquired by the group in Yarkot community.  

The exercise was part of the implementation of the Climate Change Resilient Landscapes and improved Livelihoods Project being rolled out by the Maaltaaba Women Group with funding support from the Forest and Farm Facility.   

Ms Lydia Miyella,  the Executive Director, Maltaaba Peasant Women Farmers’ Cooperative, stated that through the project, the women’s group had been trained to go into compost making for nursing of seedlings for planting and, also, for sale to other organisations.  

She said despite the significance of trees to human existence, they were being cut down due to the pressure of the growing population coupled with infrastructural and industrial development.   

She said it was, therefore, imperative for more trees to be planted to replace and regreen the environment.   

“It is anticipated that this support will help create long-term sustainable and full-time employment for the community of Yakoti and its environs, especially the beneficiaries of the group who are mostly widows and single mothers.   

“This will ensure food security for farmers, reforest depleted land and the trees will survive for the next generation,” she stressed.   

The Executive Director stated that the group had also established a half-acre of a woodlot for domestic energy and environmental conservation.  

“Take this tree planting exercise seriously. Trees contribute to the environment over long periods by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, water conservation and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe,” Ms Miyella stressed.