Wings of Love supports Agbozume EP Schools with furniture  

By Ewoenam Kpodo

Agbozume (VR), Aug 11, GNA- Wings of Love LLC, a charitable organisation based in Virginia, USA has presented 100 dual desks to Agbozume Kpota E.P. School, Ketu South to solve the furniture needs of the school. 

The desks, which would add to the existing ones in the school from the Kindergarten to Junior High School level, aimed to ensure pupils sit comfortably in their classrooms for effective teaching and learning. 

Mr Collins C.C. Ahodetor who represented the organisation to present the desks said the founder who is an old pupil of the school was touched to donate the furniture after coming across pictures depicting pupils of the school sitting on blocks of bricks in their respective classrooms to study during the early part of this year. 

“The emotional toll from the images was overwhelming. In fact, too overwhelming to ignore the call of lending a helping hand. This was when Wings of Love LLC was born,” he said. 

Mr Ahodetor said the founder’s desire was for pupils to find the school environment comfortable and conducive for studying. 

“Furniture plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning process. It allows for easy movement and encourages good posture. Furniture is one element indispensable towards learning and improving pupils’ academic performance. Thus, we can say that school furniture is a key element in creating the needed or better still, the enabling environment that keeps pupils focused and comfortable.” 

Madam Beatrice Ama Afadzinu, Head teacher at the school was grateful for the intervention saying, the new desks would help a great deal to solve the furniture challenge being faced in the school with a population of over 700 pupils. 

She assured the school management would take diligent care of the desks to make them last longer to serve current and future pupils of the school. 

Hoenyeame Seddoh, Girls Prefect of the school speaking to the Ghana News Agency said it was such a relief that help had come and that her colleagues would sit comfortably in their classrooms to study. 

“We did not have enough desks to sit on and because of that we looked for blocks to support the woods from broken down desks for use. The difficulty though, was that colleagues who could not sit carefully would fall, injure themselves and disturb the class.” 

Torgbui Adamah III, Paramount Chief of Some Traditional Area, where the school is located called on managements of schools in the Traditional Area to reach out to chiefs with their problems so that together, they could put their heads together to find ways to solve these problems to aid education delivery in Some.