Ntim family commissions new library for Pepease Presbyterian basic school

By Eunice Tekie Tei

Kwahu Pepease (E/R), Aug 23, GNA – Dr William Ofori Ntim and Mrs Sally Ofori Ntim have commissioned a new library at the Pepease Presbyterian Basic School to promote quality education in the Kwahu East District of the Eastern Region. 

The stocked library worth US$7,500 was supported by Give Hope Global, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in the United State of America (USA), Ms. Franceen Obeng, student in the USA and Mr. Okyere Bonna, USA-based author and publisher. 

 It was in honour of Fredrick Osafo Ntim, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FON group of companies. 

They also donated books, computers and science apparatuses. 

At a ceremony to commission the project, Mr. Osafo Ntim said the Ntim family was committed to promoting quality education by providing communities with ultra-modern library facilities as well as computers across the district. 

He expressed the hope that the internet facility would enable pupils and teachers to engage in informative and educational internet-based research. 

He said the NGO saw youth empowerment as crucial to national development and believed that the Library facility could help in the education of the local young people to help in positioning them to harness opportunities that the global competitive world offered. 

Mr Ntim said the Foundation was poised to do more to complement the government’s efforts in enhancing the well-being of the youth and hoped the library facility would significantly afford pupils the opportunity to improve their educational performance, and improve their academic and professional status. 

Madam Irene Djabakuor Djibouti, the Headteacher of the Pepease Presbyterian Basic School who received the keys on behalf of the school said the facility had come at the right time and urged the pupils in the community to patronize the facility to enrich their knowledge. 

She expressed appreciation to the Ntim family and Reverend Kennedy Twum Barima, the District Pastor of the Obo Presbyterian Church for embarking on the renovation of the library, adding that, it would go a long way to improve the literacy level of the students in the community.