Department of Social Welfare commends Adanu Foundation  

By Agbaxode Emmanuel

Ho (VR), Aug. 22, GNA-Mrs Stella Mawusi Mawutor, the Volta Regional Director of Social Welfare, has commended Adanu Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation, for its development support to many communities in the region. 

She said the Foundation was instrumental in the building of libraries, health issues, schools, women empowerment through the provision of resources and capital to engage in income generation activities.  

“In the case of Adanu, the 20 years of existence is visibly represented in the communities and in the lives of members of the communities in which they operate.”  

Mrs Mawusi Mawutor made the commendations at the 20th-anniversary press launch of the Foundation in Ho.  

She said, “any effort by any individual or group to intentionally plan and initiate programmes targeted at human development is worth all the support and encouragement it deserves.”  

 “Adanu has made itself visible in many Districts and communities in Volta by delivering invaluable human development programmes which have impacted the lives of many communities over the years.”  

Mr Richard Yinka, Founder and Chief Executive of Adanu, said the anniversary would give them the chance not to only appreciate their journey as an organisation “but also to look forward to all the opportunities they have envisaged, as we continue to ignite passion in Ghanaian communities across the region.”  

He revealed that their approach over the years gave communities a firm stake in major decisions that affect their lives, ownership, and leadership in project implementation.  

Mr Yinka mentioned areas such as Anloga, Adaklu, Central Tongu, Akatsi North and South, Hohoe, North Dayi, Ho West and Central, and Afadzato South as beneficiary Districts and Municipalities over the years.  

Mr Yinka expressed appreciation to all stakeholders, including the Board of Directors and friends.  

A football gala between Avelebe and Wudzrolo schools at Adaklu Waya forms part of the activities of the celebration where the commissioning of a new office complex and a Fundraising dinner event would be held on October 29 to climax the celebrations.  

Members of the clergy, Togbega Ayim Adzotoko Il, Paramount Chief of Takla Traditional Area and others, witnessed the ceremony.