Agenda 111 project boosting local economy – Afadzato South DCE 

By Edward Williams

Ve Golokuati (V/R), Aug. 26, GNA – Mr James Etornam Flolu, the Afadzato South District Chief Executive (DCE), said government’s Agenda 111 project aims at building new hospitals and employing more people to boost the local economy. 

“Definitely, they will be paid something. Once they receive, the hairdressers will make some money, school fees will be paid, and foodstuffs will also be bought….,” he said. 

Mr Flolu told the Ghana News Agency that they were looking at the benefit of the project even beyond bringing healthcare to the doorstep of the people. 

“This is directly impacting the local economy and we thank the President for this. We are grateful,” he added. 

Mr Flolu noted that there were no issues of land litigation regarding the construction of the district hospital. 

He said contractors were on site and the works were ongoing progressively at Ve Kpelezo, expected to be completed in 18 months.  

A visit by the GNA to the project site saw workers on site performing their duties. Noble Gen Construction Ltd, Consilium Limited, and Asvas Limited are the contractors.  

Government’s Agenda 111 aims at ensuring that all districts had hospitals to prevent people from travelling long distances to access healthcare.