Economic hardship can breed mistrust in love relationships, marriages—Counselor

Accra, May 12, GNA –Mr Daniel Fenyin, a Counsellor, says the economic hardship being experienced in the country can breed mistrust in love relationships and marriages.

He said for instance, traders and commercial drivers whose work involved making daily sales could have tough times managing their homes should they experience a drop in sales.

“If general daily sales are dropping, your partner may have issues with you, especially in cases where he or she is not in tune with the dynamics of your work. He or she might think you are spending money outside or having another relationship…”

Mr Fenyin said the situation could also make children think their parents were irresponsible and said it was important breadwinners of families, married couples and people in love relationships discussed and understood the ‘time and season.’

He said the situation couls also affect people’s social life with many shying away from social gatherings such as parties, wedding ceremonies, and funerals for economic reasons and stressed the need for couples and families to be transparent and have open discussions about their finances and how the situation was affecting them.

“Let your children understand why you are changing their schools or why you cannot buy certain things for them. Be transparent with your partner or family on your finances and expenditure.”

Mr Eric Asiedu, a cobbler, said for a long time, he had not been able to send money regularly to his parents in the village, adding that that had affected his relationship with them.

Mr Isaac Asamoah, a civil servant, said it was difficult meeting the needs of his children with thoughts of changing their schools to less expensive ones.

Madam Yaa Akyaa, a trader, said she could no longer afford to go for items in bulk to sell because of the increase in prices.

Mr Eric Siaw Aboagye, a dealer in mobile phones, said the high cost of living had turned his girlfriend into a regular fighting partner due to insufficient “chop money.”

Commodity and transport fares have shot up in recent times due to increasing prices of fuel and depreciation of the Cedi, with many lamenting the high cost of living.

Some labour unions have asked the Government to cushion workers with increased salaries with the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) on strike over a “neutrality” allowance.