Let’s not condemn sinners, but their sins—Catholic Priest

Accra, April 03, GNA – The Reverend Father Stephen Dogodzi, SVD, Parish Priest of the St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, Abeka, has called on Christians to desist from condemning sinners, and rather condemn the acts they commit.

“The Pharisees condemned the woman who was caught fornicating and left the man. Jesus loves the sinner and not the sin. We are allowed to condemn the sin of others but not the sinner,” he said.

Fr. Dogodzi made the call while delivering the homily on Sunday at Mass in the Church.

No matter how bad someone was or committed an odd form of sin, the Priest said, there was some form of goodness in everyone.

“Let’s ask ourselves, is there someone in my life who needs another chance? Is there someone in my life who I have given up on but God hasn’t given up on? Is there someone in my life who I have condemned or destroyed in my criticism and gossip?

“Is there someone who in my heart I want to destroy? Jesus says the same thing to you, I don’t condemn you but go and sin no more,” he said.

Fr. Dogodzi encouraged the public to be each other’s keeper and give everyone another chance while helping to draw them closer to God in their deeds and words.