100 Bono East basic school teachers receive ICT training

Techiman (BE/R) March 25, GNA – About 100 basic schools teachers in the Bono East Region on Friday ended a five-day training of trainers workshop towards the training of 1000 school girls in information-communication and technology (ICT) under the region’s Girls’-in-ICT project.

The Girls’-in-ICT project is one of the government’s flagship programmes to address the gap between males and females in technology and digitalization platforms initiated by the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation (MoCD) and supported by the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications(GIFEC).

At the opening of the workshop on the theme: “Access and Safety” on Monday in Techiman, Madam Gloria Adjasah, a representative from MoCD, said five regions – Bono, Bono East, Ahafo, Savannah and Northern- were involved in the project and the first 100 best-performing girls would be given laptops each.

She urged the teachers to see ICT as a global tool for development and to make the effort to acquire the required knowledge of it to help propel the progress of their communities and the country.

In an address on his behalf, Mr Kwasi Adu Gyan, the Regional Minister described the project as “very significant”, saying it would help to erase the wrongful notion that knowledge of ICT and its application in the world of work was the preserve of males.

He encouraged the participants to be passionate and committed for the successful implementation of the project in the region.