Sow integrity while in active service—Workers advised

Cape Coast, Jan.10, GNA – Workers have been advised to sow seeds of integrity, diligence and contentment while in active service so serve as role models for the youth.

“These are fundamentals that will make generations admire your hard work and inspire youngsters to follow suit to contribute to the development agenda of your outfit and the nation as a whole,” Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu, the Church of Pentecost Area Head Pastor of Sefwi Juaboso, Western Region, said on Monday.

He was speaking at the pull-out ceremony of the Deputy Director of Prisons (DDP) Dominic Nicholas Arthur, the Central Regional Prisons Commander, after his 29 years and 11 months service to the nation.

He said retirement was an acknowledgement of ageing when the mental and physical batteries run low rendering the individual tired, adding; “It is time to be charitable to oneself”.

He urged all to prepare adequately towards retirement so that they could leave comfortably and in peace.

“Every salary you receive is a blessing from God, find food and seed in your salaries no matter how small it looks, don’t convert everything you receive into food,” he said.

He admonished all to imbibe the culture of saving and allow God to increase their seeds.

“Your allowances would never be sufficient, yet it is worth investing, be wise like an ant, enter retirement with vigor, satisfaction and eagerness.”

He commended the retiring Commander for his good works, which he described as “worthy of emulation,” to show generations what it meant to be an ideal public servant.

He told DDP Arthur to be grateful to God for His protection, guidance and upkeep because other colleagues were not so fortunate to see their retirement.

The Regional Commander, on his part, was full of praise of his superiors for guiding and having faith in him to deliver, and expressed gratitude to God for protecting him and his family.

He enumerated a number of challenges of the Service, which needed urgent attention to change the narrative.

These include the lack of drugs at the prisons’ clinics, security cameras to meet contemporary security demands, inadequate vehicles and spaces of the prisons, and accommodation challenges of officers.

DDP Arthur appealed to the Government and all well- meaning Ghanaians to help make the work of the Ghana Prisons Service more effective to serve Ghana with all diligence.