I will do nothing to obstruct government business – Speaker Bagbin

Accra, Dec. 24, GNA – Speaker Alban Bagbin has reiterated his position not to do anything to obstruct government business and will also not allow himself to be used as errand boy of the Executive.

He said he had been given a privileged opportunity to bring a change to better the lives of Ghanaians and would do just that.

Speaker Bagbin said this in Accra at a forum for Ex-Members of Parliament on the theme: “Ghana’s Hung Parliament: Challenges, Opportunities and the National Goals.”

Former Members of Parliament (MPs) who had been part of Ghana’s democratic process since the beginning of the Fourth Republican Dispensation attended.

Speaker Bagbin also bemoaned the idea of certain individuals trying to manipulate everybody, including the media, to do their bidding.

He said societies all over the world were developed by people with the right ideas, out of which had emerged quality human resources required to make progress.

“It is not politicians who develop the society but the people,” he said, and that politicians led the way to take the view of the society on board.

Speaker Bagbin also questioned the motives of people who had sought to blame him for being the cause of Parliament’s inability to take a decision on the E-levy.

“I’m said not to be a Member of Parliament and cannot take decisions for MPs, however I’m being blamed today for being the cause of Parliament’s inability to take a decision on the E-levy,” he said.

The Speaker also debunked claims making rounds in certain quarters that he had been diagnosed with cancer adding: “As I stand here I do not have cancer but rather an ulcer, which developed at the time that I was the Minority Leader”.

He indicated that even though he was looking fresh and healthy upon his return from the medical review in Dubai, he was aging and could not behave like before.

“As I stand you can see me looking fresh and healthy….but does that necessarily mean I am like before? Even my age alone would not allow me to behave like before,” he said.

“So I can start sitting from morning but after 1800 or 1900 hours I would need a rest; that is why I have deputies to assist me”.