Sissala East and Sissala West Assemblies confirm President’s Appointees

Tumu/Gwollu, (U/W), Oct. 2, GNA – Assembly members of the Sissala East Municipality and the Sissala West District have confirmed President Akufo-Addo’s nominees for the position of Municipal and District Chief Executive respectively.

The confirmations, which took place in Tumu in the Sissala East Municipality and Gwollu in the Sissala West District, were devoid of the usual heightened tensions and heavy security presence.

In the Sissala East Municipality, Mr Fuseini Yakubu Batong, polled 28 votes out of the 31 votes cast, representing 90.3 per cent to secure confirmation as the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).

Meanwhile, the confirmation of Madam Ayisha Imoro Batong Hor, the nominee for Sissala West District, was a narrow escape as nine out of the 31 Assembly members voted against her.

She needed 21 votes to sail through but managed an extra vote, making it 22 votes in her favour, representing 79.03 per cent.

Per the Local Government Act 2016 (Act 936), a nominee needs to secure two-thirds of the total votes cast by the Assembly members present and voting to secure confirmation.

Dr Hafiz Bin Salih, the Upper West Regional Minister, thanked the Assembly members for turning out in their numbers to confirm the President’s nominee.

He said the approval of the five Municipal and District Chief Executives (M/DCEs) out of 11 so far was an indication of the confidence of the people in the President’s nominees.

Dr Bin Salih appealed to stakeholders in the Districts and Municipalities to rally behind their M/DCEs to enable them to lead the development of their areas.

Mr Fuseini Yakubu Batong, speaking after his confirmation as MCE for Sissala East, thanked the Assembly members and the Traditional Authorities for the confidence reposed in him.

He pledged to operate an open door administration to propel the development of the Municipality and urged all to support him to achieve the vision of the President in the Municipality.
Also, speaking after her confirmation as DCE for Sissala West, Madam Ayisha Imoro Batong Hor thanked the Assembly members, Traditional Authorities and all who contributed in diverse ways leading to her confirmation.

She called for unity among Assembly members to enable them to push forward the development of the district.

Madam Ayisha Imoro Batong Hor is coming in as the first female DCE of the district since its creation in July 2004.

Since the creation of the district, no DCE has been able to complete a full term without being sacked due mostly to party internal wrangling and not non-performance.