End of coronavirus rules in Norway prompts parties, but also violence

London, Sept. 26, (dpa/GNA) – People in Norway celebrated the end of coronavirus restrictions with several weekend parties: Nightclubs and pubs were full and the atmosphere was wild in many places.

In the city of Trondheim, several people had to be treated after fainting in long queues. However, several cities also reported fights, injured and arrests, public broadcaster NRK said on Sunday.

“There were several infringements, outbreaks of violence and fights,” said Rune Hekkelstrand from the Oslo police.

Several people were arrested for possession of weapons, he said, and some were seriously injured.

In the town of Tonsberg, south of the capital, there was a mass brawl at the pier, and in the south-western region of Agder, a total of 12 people were arrested for rioting.

Norway lifted the vast majority of coronavirus measures on Saturday.

Among other things, social-distancing rules no longer apply, and the restrictions on number of participants at events and gatherings have also been dropped.

Only the requirement to quarantine in case of infection remains. Entry restrictions are also being gradually lifted.

Norway has come through the pandemic relatively well compared to other European countries.