Taliban capture two key commercial ports in western Afghanistan

Kabul, July 9, (dpa/GNA) – Taliban militants captured two key commercial ports in Afghanistan’s western province of Herat, officials said on Friday.

Islam Qala, one of the country’s main commercial ports on the Afghan-Iranian border, fell to the Taliban without any resistance from the security forces, provincial council member Habib Hashimi and parliamentarian Reza Khusak Watandost said.

According to the councillor, the government’s revenue from the customs of the port was over 3.7 million dollars per day, despite rampant corruption there.

All commercial activities were now being stopped at the port, the officials said.

In the meantime, the Taliban have also captured another key port in the province, Torghundi in the north, on the border with neighbouring Turkmenistan, the official said.

Torghundi is a key transit route for Afghanistan as the country imports many of its gas, fuel, and other oil products from the country. The port is also a key exporting route of Afghan products to global markets including Europe.

Despite the advance of the Taliban, US troops are to complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan by August 31, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday.

Biden acknowledged that the Taliban have become stronger than ever since their regime was toppled in 2001, but said their rise could still be stopped, adding that the Afghan security forces had been well trained.

On Tuesday, the US Pentagon said that US forces had completed more than 90 per cent of their withdrawal process.