GIS Western Regional Commander visits Elubo and Half-Asini

Takoradi, March 03, GNA – Deputy Commissioner of Immigration (DCI) Dr Prosper Price Delali Asima, Western Regional Commander of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), has paid an unannounced working visit to the Elubo Sector to acquaint himself with the prevailing Border security situation.

The visit, formed part of his routine strategy to ensure that the Western part of the country, which borders Ivory Coast was completely sealed off, and in full compliance with the President’s directive on 22nd March, 2020 in the wake of the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic.

He took the opportunity to boost the morale of officers and also shared ideas with Commanders of sister security agencies and other stakeholders involved in the collective resolve to secure the Western Borders.

Chief Superintendent Joshua Krakue, Elubo Sector Commander who welcomed the Regional Commander, hinted that all the necessary security measures have been put in place together with the Elubo Border Security Committee (BORDSEC) to deter and to arrest all recalcitrant travelers who may out of desperation resort to the use of unapproved routes.

He mentioned that his Officers together with those deployed from the other Commands within the Region have since the closure of the borders sustained 24-hour patrols/surveillance at both the main Elubo Border and all the identified unapproved routes within the jurisdiction.

Chief Supt Krakue further mentioned that the increased number of officers on daily patrols and constantly engaging the membership of BORDSEC to evaluate their Border Security Operational Strategies as additional security measures taken by the Sector.

He said the Sector was also courting the support of the chiefs and elders of the surrounding communities and transport operators to impress upon their people to collaborate by providing useful information for prompt action.

He hinted that intelligence picked by the Sector unveiled a cabal of canoe operators and their counterpart drivers who have been contriving to outwit the operations of the security agencies by taking money from some recalcitrant travellers with the intention of ferrying them across the River Tano.

He therefore assured to arrest and prosecute such drivers and their cohorts and affirmed his fullest commitment to the President’s decision to extend the closure of the Land Borders, as a measure toward preventing further importation of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially through the Western Borders.

DCI Dr. Asima after meeting briefly with some of the Elubo Border Security Management Committee members, commended them for their dedication and commitment to the course of the country, especially during this, “Not normal times”.

He was also pleased with their Community Engagement Strategies and urged them to deepen such collaborations further since security was a shared responsibility which must be embraced by all.

He further commended the Comptroller-General and the Management of the GIS, as well as the Regional Command for their resilience and dedication to duty in these trying times adding, “a closure means a closure, and so you should continue to enforce the directives to the letter”.

DCI Dr. Asima admonished the Senior Officers to make sure that the mandate and the values, Professionalism, Integrity, Human Rights and Learning Organization of GIS were religiously applied at all material times by the rank and file, especially in the discharge of their duties.