Christians in Sekondi-Takoradi observe Palm Sunday without street processions

Takoradi, March 28, GNA – Christians in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis attended church service to mark the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem over 2000 years ago.

The celebration also known as the Passion Sunday, is the last Sunday of Lent, where the re-enactment of Jesus entry into Jerusalem is marked.

The congregants could however not embark on the usual street processions amidst the waving of palm fronds and singing of Hosanna.

Many of the churches the GNA visited had their church halls decorated with palm fronds, with the congregants carrying their palm fronds and either sitting or standing in their pews while observing social and physical distancing.

Before the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, Christians celebrated the day with processions on streets amidst the waving of palm fronds with many churches filled to capacity.

At the Mary Our Lady Star of Sea Catholic Cathedral in Takoradi, Reverend Father Alban Kissi, Curate of the Cathedral, called on Christians to reflect carefully on St Mark Gospel message, which indicated the graphics of the triumphant entry and passion of Jesus Christ.

He urged Christians to identify themselves with the characters of people Jesus encountered when he entered Jerusalem, whether they were the Chief Priest, Peter, Judas Iscariot, the centurion, Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, the Pharisees, Disciples or Mary the mother of James and make the necessary amends.

Fr. Kissi said Jesus suffered and died a painful and shameful death so that mankind would have salvation and that Christians should reciprocate the gesture by leading responsible and true Christian lives.

He tasked Christians to make adequate time for the Lord during the Passion Week to enable them receive the salvation for which Jesus died.