Russian city puzzles over sightings of blue and pink dogs

Moscow Feb 18, (dpa/GNA) – Mysterious sightings of dogs in unnaturally vivacious colours have left a Russian city puzzling over where they came from.

A dog with pink fur was spotted in the city of Dzerzhinsk, about 360 kilometres east of Moscow, a local news portal reported on Thursday.

There were also pictures of blue dogs circulating on social media, which had possibly come into contact with chemical waste.

Seven of the dogs with blue fur were brought to veterinary clinics for examination, according to local authorities, adding that the dogs were doing well.

They had probably wandered around the site of a disused plexiglass factory, where they could have fallen into copper sulfate, the news agency Ria Novosti reported, citing an insolvency administrator.

Authorities said they had contacted the company about the matter.
Even a lawmaker of the Russian parliament commented on the mysterious case.

It needed to be clarified if the substances were harmful to humans, Vladimir Burmatov, head of the environmental committee, recently told broadcaster Govorit Moskva.
The public prosecutor’s office had already been involved in the matter, since the blue dogs could indicate a serious environmental hazard, he said.

“We now need to determine very precisely where these poor guys have been climbing around,” Burmatov said.