Sale of single-use plastic banned in Mexico City

Mexico City, Jan. 2, (dpa/GNA) – A ban on the sale of single-use plastic in Mexico City came into force on New Year’s Day.
“The marketing, distribution and delivery” of single use plastic objects including cutlery, plates and straws is now prohibited, the Environment Ministry of the Mexican capital (SEDEMA) said in a statement.

The bans also includes single-use food containers and tampon applicators made wholly or partially of plastics, except compostable ones.

“The main goal … is to have responsible consumption, where the citizens of the capital are increasingly aware and stop using single-use plastics so as not to generate pollution to the city and the planet,” said Andree Lilian Guigue Perez, head of the General Directorate of Impact Assessment and Environmental Regulation (DGEIRA).

The Mexican capital, the most populous city in North America with some 22 million inhabitants, banned single-use plastic bags a year ago.

Guigue Perez said Mexico City’s government will not back down on the ban amid the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that the World Health Organization found that the virus could remain on plastic surfaces for four days, making the reuse of durable materials a better choice for the environment.

According to SEDEMA data, Mexicans use some 6 million tons of plastic per year, for an average of 45 kilograms per capita.