NCCE takes Parliamentary Candidates debate to Ahanta West

Agona-Nkwanta (WR), Dec. 3, GNA – The Ahanta West Municipal office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has engaged six parliamentary aspirants on their development vision for the area.

The engagement dubbed the Parliamentary debate was to ensure issue-based and peaceful electioneering in the country.

The NCCE is organizing the 2020 Parliamentary Debate with Support from the European Union (EU) and other stakeholders in 275 Constituencies across the country.

Mrs Faustina Koranteng, the Municipal Director of the NCCE, said the debate would provide an opportunity for the parliamentary candidates to interact with their electorates to enable them to make informed choices on December 7, 2020.

“Election is a vertical accountability dimension of quality democracy and this allows governments and Parliamentarians to either be retained or removed through free, fair and transparent and peaceful elections,” she added.

Meanwhile, Elections at regular intervals are a democratic feature and this norm is captured by the 1992 Constitution of Ghana which pegs the tenure of both the President and the Parliamentarians at four years.

However, the Parliamentarian has no limited-term, per the provisions.

The Municipal Director said democracy was based on the fact that sovereignty resided in the people.

It is against this background that those who seek the peoples’ mandate to represent them and to become Members of Parliament (MPs) must subject themselves to scrutiny by the people before the voting date.

Mrs Koranteng urged all to pay keen attention to the Aspirants to make good and informed choices.

Six aspirants from the NPP, NDC, GUM, CPP, PNC and APC were present at the debate.