China sends rocket off on mission to bring back lunar sample

Beijing, Nov. 24, (dpa/GNA) – China has launched a Long March 5 rocket on an unmanned moon mission to retrieve a lunar sample, the first such endeavour by a country in more than four decades.

The rocket carrying the robotic Chang’e 5 spacecraft left from the Wenchang Space Launch Centre in the southern Hainan province early on Tuesday morning (late Monday GMT).

After it lands on the moon, the mission hopes to also bring moon rocks back to Earth, making China only the third country to do so after the United States and the Soviet Union.

This is China’s most ambitious moon mission to date and follows the Chang’e 4 mission last year, which achieved the first-ever landing on the far side of the moon.

The Chang’e 5 spacecraft, named after the Chinese goddess of the moon, weighs 8,200 kilograms and has four components: an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a re-entry module.

Ninety minutes after lift-off, the spacecraft unfurled its solar sails, which generate electricity.

Soon after, the control centre’s commander, Zhang Xueyu, announced the “full success” of the Chang’e 5 launch.

The US space agency NASA congratulated China on the launch.

“Congratulations to China on the successful launch of Chang’e 5 to the Moon. We look forward to seeing how this sample return will advance the international science community,” NASA associate administrator Thomas Zurbuchen tweeted.

The spaceship is expected to land on Sunday in a volcanic area named after German astronomer Karl Ruemker (1788-1862), which is located in the “Ocean of Storms” area on the earth-facing side of the moon.

After the probe reaches lunar orbit, the spacecraft is set to separate into two parts, with the orbiter and re-entry module remaining in orbit while the lander and ascender are supposed to land on the moon, according to the state-run newspaper Global Times.

The probe is set to collect underground rocks and surface soil, after which the ascender will lift off to orbit using a rocket and dock with the re-entry module.

The official Chinese new agency Xinhua characterized the mission as “one of the most complicated and challenging … in China’s aerospace history.”

The last lunar sample-return mission was the Soviet Union’s Luna-24 in August 1976, which brought 170.1 grams of lunar samples back to Earth.

China in July also launched its first independent mission to Mars, part of the country’s ambitious space programme, which also includes building its own space station by 2022 and sending an exploration mission to Jupiter by 2029.