GFA sets rules for lower-tier Clubs to adhere to or face sanctions

Accra, Aug. 21, GNA – The Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has set rules for the 10 Regional Football Associations to adhere to following various consultations on grassroots football development.

The Regional Football Associations are required to convey the information to all District Football Associations and clubs that play at the Regional level.

The approved decisions are, that all Division Two League clubs, Division Three League clubs, and Juvenile football clubs shall register with the Registrar-General’s Department of Ghana as Companies Limited by Shares or Limited by Guarantee on or before 5pm December 31, 2020. Copies must be lodged with the Regional Football Association and the Ghana Football Association.

Also, any club desirous of changing its name must first engage the Ghana Football Association on availability and acceptance of the new name before proceeding to the Registrar-General’s Department to change it and submit the approved Change of Name document.

The GFA EXCO decided that there shall be no admission of clubs in the Second Division level.

It was also decided that the planned number of Division Two League clubs agreed between each Regional Football Association and the Ghana Football Association for the reduction of the number of clubs in the Second Division clubs in each Regional Football Association shall be strictly adhered to.

That there shall be an admission of new clubs only in Juvenile football and Division Three leagues in the Regional Football Associations where there are spaces but subject to the approval of the Ghana Football Association. Applicants must apply to the District Football Association in accordance with provisions of the GFA Statutes, which will then submit it to the Regional Football Association for onward submission to the GFA.

Also, Admission Fee for a new club shall be GH¢ 10,000.00 for a Division Three league club and GH¢ 5,000.00 for a Juvenile football club. Disbursement of the Admission Fee shall be as follows: i. 10% to the Ghana Football Association for processing ii. 30% to Regional Football Association iii.60% to the District Football Association

All clubs in the lower leagues which register less than 18 players shall be expelled from the Regional Football Association. Persons who register clubs only for the purposes of transfer of players with no intention of playing any match in the league, shall not be entertained henceforth and shall be expelled immediately.

Academies are also to take part in the competitions of the Regional Football Association to which the academy is affiliated.

The GFA EXCO decided that all clubs and Academies which fail to take part in competitions organized by the Regional Football Association of the Ghana Football Association shall be expelled and their players shall be declared floating.

In addition, registration for juvenile football players, District Football Associations, and the Regional Football Association must be guided by i. Year in School ii. National Photo – Identification Card iii. Weight

All Regional and District Executive Councils must ensure strict compliance.