COCOBOD embarks upon massive rehabilitation of Moribund Cocoa farms

Adeepena (WN/R), August 11, GNA – Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) has rolled out a rehabilitation programme of cocoa farms affected by the swollen shoot disease in the Western North Cocoa Region.

As part of the rehabilitation exercise, COCOBOD has directed all diseased cocoa trees to be cut down for the re-planting of new hybrid cocoa seedlings.

The Western-North Regional Manager, in charge of Cocoa Health and Extension Division (CHED) of COCOBOD, Mr Kwame Owusu -Ansah, told journalists during a tour to inspect cocoa farms in three districts of the Region.

Mr Owusu-Ansah said the Western-North Region used to contribute one-third of cocoa production in Ghana but the produce had been going down for the past three years due to the swollen shoot disease.

The Regional Manager expressed concern that only 300 bags of cocoa pods, being 140,000 metric tonnes were produced last year instead of the annual production of 64,000 bags from the 35,000 hectares of cocoa farms.

Mr. Owusu -Ansah said if the current situation was not salvaged, nothing would be left for the farmers and the industry in the next three to four years.

As part of the rehabilitation exercise, he said, COCOBOD had outsourced the tree cutting activity to a private contractor at a cost of GH¢700. 00 per hectare.

COCOBOD has also engaged 4,500 labourers within communities in the districts to weed the cocoa farms for rehabilitation works to commence.

The Regional Manager complained that the healthy cocoa trees in the Region represented only 20%, of the total, which demanded a concerted effort to reverse the trend.

He said as an alternative source of livelihood, COCOBOD had supplied free plantain suckers to the affected cocoa farmers to plant with the new Cocoa hybrid seedlings to be planted with the plantain, which would serve as economic shade trees for two years after which COCOBOD would release the farms to their owners.

He said COCOBOD had also decided to pay a compensation of Gh¢1,000.00 per hectare to farmers and the same amount to landowners.

The Public Relations Officer of COCOBOD, Mr Benjamin Larweh, said the devastating nature of the swollen shoot disease and how to salvage the situation was of much concern to industry players.

He, therefore, asked the farmers to cut down the affected trees as there was no proven antidote to the disease.

At Nyametwa, the Chief Cocoa Farmer, Nana Yaw Barima appealed to the Government to extend the two-year period to either three or four years before handing over the rehabilitated farms to farmers.

Nana Barima, who is also the Gyasehene of the Community, urged the Government to start cutting down the trees immediately instead of waiting until December.