Ketu South records low turnout as schools re-open

Denu (V/R), June 23, GNA – Schools in the Ketu South Municipality have recorded low number of students showing up for school on the first day of reopening.

Final and second year gold track students at the Senior High School (SHS) level were on Monday, June 22, expected to report to school after a long COVID-19 closure, with enhanced personal hygiene and social distancing protocols in place to prevent COVID-19 spread.

Visits by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) to three SHSs out of the total five in the Municipality showed not many students returned to school in preparation to write their exit examination.

At 1540hours when the GNA was leaving the Saint Paul’s SHS, Denu, which has at least 528 final year students, only 41 students reported.

At Somey SHS in Agbozume, which has 422 final year students, only 65 students turned up by 1615hours, while Klikor Senior High Technical School, with 288 final year students had about 40 reporting around 1700hours.

The directive for day students to be made resident in schools with boarding facilities also did not go down well as Management of the schools said, day students reported without any preparation to stay on campus.

Mr Moise Fiatui, Headmaster, Somey SHS said about 40 of the students who reported on Monday were day students and “because they came unprepared, they went back home to return later.”

On adherence to the COVID-19 protocols, hand washing items were provided at the entrances, gun thermometers were also available to check temperature levels of students, while school security officers ensured students and guardians were in face masks before allowed to enter the premises.

Mr Michael Yao Tsuiatorfe, Ketu South Municipal Director of Education said government had delivered on its promise by providing the needed COVID-19 preventive items including; gun thermometers, nose masks, Veronica buckets and alcohol-based hand sanitizers to the Directorate for the schools to keep students and staff safe.

He said some items such as the face masks were not enough and expected that more would be added so there could be enough for every student.