Student caged 12 months for stealing mobile phone

Assin-Fosu (C/R), May 15, GNA – The Assin Fosu District Court has handed a 12-month jail term to a 22-year-old student for stealing a Nokia phone and GH¢140.00.

James Nkyi pleaded guilty to the three counts of unlawful entry, stealing and possession of instruments intended for unlawful entry.

Prosecuting, Inspector Gilbert Ayongo, told the Court presided over by Mr Abdul Majeed Illiasu that Mr Ebenezer Adze, the complaint is a resident of Mempeasem-Palaamu, whilst the convict lives at Dominase all in the Assin Fosu Municipality.

The Prosecution said on Monday, May 4, at about 0830 hours, Mr Adze locked all outlets to his house and room and retired to bed.

He said while in bed, at about 0130 hours, with lights out, Mr Adze however opened his living room door, stepped out to attend nature’s call.

The Prosecution said the convict who had in his possession a kitchen knife, torch light, and a box of matches, lurking surreptitiously in the dark, entered the complainant’s room and stole his Nokia phone and 140 cedis.

He said as the convict was about to exit the room with the booty, the complainant heard his footsteps quickly moved towards the door but sensing danger, the convict fell flat on the floor where the complainant’s wife and children were sleeping.

According to the Prosecution the complainant turned on the lights and saw the convict on the floor and so questioned his mission in his room.

He said the convict told the complainant that he was from Obuasi and got stranded in Assin Fosu, hence his decision to pass the night in his room.

The prosecution said the complainant thoroughly searched the convict and recovered his mobile phone and 140 cedis in his pocket and raised an alarm attracting other tenants of the house who arrested the convict.