Coping with COVID-19 fear and panic

Takoradi, May 27, GNA – What are you supposed to do to stop the spread of a virus? Yes, wash your hands for 20 seconds under running water, keep your distance from other people and wear a nose mask away from home.

During this time of crisis when the virus is spreading at an alarming rate, there is something else that is spreading uncontrolled. It is even worse than the virus – this is called fear.

The fear

Children and adults everywhere are afraid of many things during this outbreak. What are your family members afraid of – Getting sick from the virus? Dying from the virus? Family members losing their jobs? Going hungry because there is no food? Not having enough money for bills? Or not being able to finish your schooling?

Stop the spread – you may be asking many questions. If you don’t get clear answers you can become afraid. What will happen in the future? How long will this sickness last? Will life ever be the normal again?

Everything seems overwhelming right now and fear is spreading rapidly everywhere.
But there is great news. You don’t have to be afraid because you can stop the spread of fear. Whenever you wash your hands and see the soap bubbles, you can remember some truths from the Holy Bible. We call these truths.

Overcoming the fear

To overcome the fear associated with the COVID-19 pandemic comfort yourself with these fear assurances from the Scriptures (Holy Bible): “perfect love casts out (takes away) fear” 1John 4:18.
The true and living God is your Creator and He loves you with a perfect love. When you remember His great love for you, you don’t have to be afraid. “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you (God).” Psalm 56:3.

To trust in God means to put your confidence in Him – to believe who He says He is. Ask God to help you trust in Him when you feel afraid. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, to give you a future and a hope.” Jer 29:11.

God has plans for our good, even though every person on earth has sinned. Each one of us has done things that God says are wrong. That means you too! Your sin separates you from God. But God had a plan from the beginning of time to send Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the world. Jesus gave His blood and died on the cross to take the punishment for sin. He came alive again on the third day (1Cor 15:3-4).

When you believe on Jesus as your Saviour, the one who took your punishment, then you become part of God’s family (John 1:12). Your sins are forgiven, and now you have a hope and a future. You know that someday you will be with God in Heaven forever. You can have hope because you know the future. You can also have hope because God has plans for your life here on earth.

You don’t have to worry or be afraid. If you have believed in Jesus as your Saviour, God has some promises for you. These promises are our next fear busters. “I will never leave you…” Heb 13:5. He will always be with you – you are never alone! You can’t see Him (just like you can’t see the virus) but you can know God is with you wherever you are. “The Lord is my helper.” Heb 13:6.

You can count on God to help you with everything. Just talk to God in prayer – anytime, anywhere, about anything! He already knows what is happening, but He wants you to talk to Him about it. God hears you and will answer your prayers in the way He knows is best.

The last fear assurance says God will give His children perfect peace (a quietness on the inside when things are not quiet on the outside.) “You (God) keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you…” Isaiah 26:3

Keep thinking about who God is and what He has done for you. Remember that He loves you more than anyone else ever could.

Think about how powerful God is – He created the universe and keeps it all running. He can help with anything! Remind yourself that God knows everything, even when you don’t understand what is happening.

Most of all, remember that no matter what people do, God is still in control. As you spend time thinking about God, your problems don’t seem so big.

He will give you His perfect peace. These fear assurances can help stop the spread of fear. Use them yourself first and then tell others about them to give them God’s comfort and peace.