World University Services of Canada gives to Wassa East District Assembly

Daboase (WR), April 14, GNA – The World University Services of Canada, an NGO with an office in the Greater Accra Region, has supplied gallons of liquid soap and boxes of alcohol-based hand sanitizers to the Wassa East District Assembly to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

The NGO, which mainly focuses on governance and economic sustainability in extractive areas in West Africa has the district as one of its implementing area.

Mr Akwasi Owusu-Bi, Local Governance Specialist on the Project in Ghana said the NGO thought it needful to support their implementing districts with such items as the country strive to stop the spread of the virus.

Currently, the project runs in the Prestea Huni Valley and Daboase districts, where indigenes are trained in alternative livelihoods such as vegetables farming to build a robust local supply Chain for operators in the extractive sector.

Mr. Wilson Arthur, the District Chief Executive of Wassa East expressed gratitude to the numerous partners that have so far contributed to the fight against the virus in the district.

He described the donation as good boost to the Assembly’s effort at ensuring communities to stay healthy and conscious of the COVID-19 pandemic.