Passengers decry Ho to Adaklu transport fare hike

Adaklu Kodzobi (V/R), April 28, GNA – Passengers who shuttle between Ho and Adaklu Have in the Volta Region are appealing to stakeholders to address the one Ghana cedis increment in the transportation fare.

Commercial drivers, over the weekend were said to have unilaterally increased the lorry fare from three Ghana cedis to four Ghana cedis, representing a hike of 33 per cent.

Passengers who spoke to the Ghana News Agency appealed to the District Chief Executive and Assemblymen for Adaklu to quickly resolve the issue before it degenerated into chaos.

The situation was already causing growing resentment between passengers and drivers.
One driver who identified himself only as Emmanuel said they had been directed by a member of the security agencies to carry three passengers in line with social distancing regulations, and also increase the fare to make up for the loss.

He said passengers would either have to pay the new fare or the vehicles would revert to carrying four passengers.

Mr. Sampson Worlanyo Gakpo, Assemblymen for the area, when contacted said he was working to get the issue resolved, and appealed for calm.