Kotoko’s NCC to mobilise funds to pay Esperance debt

Accra, April 22, GNA – The National Circles Council (NCC) of Kumasi Asante Kotoko has assured management of its preparedness to mobilize funds from the supporters of the club to pay the $240,000 debt owed to Tunisian giants, Esperance.

The Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) imposed a fine of $240,000 on Kotoko following the illegal transfer and registration of Emmanuel Clottey by Kotoko, whilst he was still a player of Esperance.

After a meeting held on Wednesday at the club’s secretariat, both NCC and management deliberated on issues including augmentation of the squad, payment of debts, and other pertinent issues affecting the club.

A joint press statement released by both sides said despite the steps taken by Chairman of the club, Dr. Kwame Kyei to pay the debt, the NCC would put in steps to raise funds to repay the chairman.

“The NCC would embark on a massive supporters mobilisation, which would include scientific collection of data to determine the membership of the club.

“This would serve as the basis to mobilize funds from the support base to support the NCC’s financial obligation to the club,” the statement said.

Both sides agreed to prioritize the development of the club having recognized that a divided front won’t aid its progress.

Management also agreed to NCC’s proposal to foot the recruitment charges of one player so desired by Head Coach Maxwell Konadu.