COVID-19: Traders at Dormaa-Ahenkro not adhering to distancing protocols

Dormaa-Ahenkro (B/A), April 18, GNA – Traders at the weekly Tuesday market at Dormaa-Ahenkro in the Dormaa Central Municipality of the Bono Region have not been observing the social distancing protocols against the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Also restaurants, chop bar operators and drinking spots continue to flout the protocols as they open up for business day and at night.

Although public education and sensitisation for awareness on the disease is on the high, traders at the market still packed goods, food items, and other belongings closely together, leaving very little space between them.

When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited the market, the usual hustling and bustling that often characterised trading activities were on a lower scale with relatively low patronage.

Madam Yaa Amponsah, market queen for plantain sellers, indicated that persistent attempts and announcements to get traders to comply with the directives had fallen on deaf ears.

She continued that when a two-metre space between two traders was created, another trader quickly moved in to occupy the space after noticing it had been left unoccupied.

“I have been telling them repeatedly to obey the distancing protocols but they refused to adhere to those directives, even for their safety”.

Mad. Amponsah said she would, therefore, welcome any move by the Municipal Assembly to shut down the market “if that is the only option to prevent the outbreak of the disease and possible infections”.

Another trader, Mad. Ama Boadiwaa, a cocoyam seller also affirmed that some officials from the Municipal Assembly had been at the market to ensure strict adherence to the distancing protocols against the COVID-19 pandemic.

But she regretted some traders were not cooperating and cited an instance where a trader had vowed that she was prepared to team up with the rest of her family members in the market to confront anybody who would dare to either push them out of space or deny them access to sell goods at the market.

The principal streets of Dormaa-Ahenkro have virtually become deserted because generally residents are obeying the restrictions to stay at home and those being seen in the streets are workers who offering essential services.

Veronica buckets, liquid soap and hand sanitizers have been made available and positioned at the frontage of most public office buildings, financial institutions, hospitals, stores and pharmacy shops to ensure people washed their hands under running water before they enter those premises.

When contacted by the GNA, Mr. Drisssa Ouattara, the Municipal Chief Executive said the Assembly was in the process of responding to the situation with more effective measures for the people to adhere strictly to the social distancing protocols.