Assin area MPs supply PPEs to Ghana Health Service

Assin-Fosu (C/R), April 01, GNA – Three Members of Parliament (MPs) of the Assin Area have, at separate ceremonies, donated large quantities of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the Ghana Health Service (GHS).

The gesture forms part of their commitment to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the area by giving a strong boost to health facilities leading the Covid-19 fight.

The MPs are; Ms Abena Durowaa Mensah, Assin North, Mr Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, Assin Central and Rev John Ntim Fordjour, Assin South.

The medical supplies including hand sanitizers, hand gloves, nose mask, Veronica buckets, boxes of tissue papers, hospital beds among others were presented to the GHS in each district.

At a short presentation, Mr Agyapong said he was inspired by the singular need to protect health officials and the public to prevent the devastation caused by COVID-19.

The Legislator cautioned against the Ghanaian attitude of “disregard for laws, institutions, systems and structures,” and noted that “such careless habits” could thwart efforts to control the disease.

He warned against the current practice where commercial vehicle drivers still loaded more than the required passengers and called for ‘a must stop to it’.

He advised people infected with the disease to avoid the use of public transport, isolate themselves from their relatives, and the communities to avoid further spread.

He urged those who were ill to call the Ministry of Health dedicated lines or the National Ambulance Service for assistance and urged the citizenry not to shun or stigmatise family members infected with the virus, but show them love and care.

At Bereku, the Assin North Legislator, Ms Mensah after presenting the items, schooled scores of market women and the public on the need to adhere to Government directives to defeat the pandemic.

She expressed the hope that the items presented would help protect the hospital staff discharging their duties.

“We appreciate the danger that comes with contracting the diseases especially those at the frontline in defending the populace against the disease and we must all support you to be able to protect us,” the MP said, as she rallied support for the GHS.

On his part, Rev Fordjour, pledged to ensure that the items benefitted all the 24 Community based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compounds, the two holding centres at Manso and Nyamasi Ahenkro as well as the Presby Health Centre, a private health facility.

Of equal significant was the donation of PPEs to two traditional paramountcy – Assin Atendansu and Apemanim and some key institutions, market centres.

Madam Elizabeth Adwoa Wood of Assin South District of GHS, thanked the MP and other philanthropists for supporting health service delivery in the area.

She advised the public to wash hands frequently using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub, cover mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue, when coughing or sneezing, and throw away the tissue into a closed bin.

They should avoid close contact with anyone who had cold or flu-like symptoms and visit the nearest hospital if they had fever, cough or had difficulty in breathing.