Upper West ISD educates Information Officers on COVID-19

Wa (UW/R), March 26, GNA – Information Officers and Communicators in the Upper West Region have been educated on the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to build their capacity to enable them help educate the public on the deadly disease.

They were charged to sensitise the public to know the causes, symptoms and prevention of the COVID-19 as well as to emphasis the need for the people to report to the health facilities anytime they experienced those symptoms.

The symptoms included: fever, running nose, cough; sore throat, breathing difficulties and possible headache.

Mr Mustapha Sinto Nuhu, the Upper West Regional Director of the Information Service Department (ISD), who took the officers through the training, implored them to encourage the people to isolate themselves when they are experiencing those symptoms in order to prevent the possible spread of the virus.

He stressed the need for the public to desist from using alcoholic beverages as substitute for alcohol-based hand sanitizers in the fight against the COVID-19 as that was not effective to protect them from the disease.

He entreated the information officers and the communicators to stress on the need for the public to practice proper hand washing with soap as it was the most effective way of protecting themselves against the virus.

Mr Nuhu indicated that the virus could also be transferred through money and paper handling, and urged the public to inculcate the habit of using hand sanitizers on regular basis in the absence of hand washing facilities.

He urged the officers to educate the public to cover their nose and mouth with their folded elbow anytime they sneezed or coughed as well as to observe social distancing of at least one meter to help curb the spread of the COVID-19.

The participants raised concern about their safety and protection from contracting the deadly Coronavirus as they went on the field to educate the public on it.