Ark Medical Centre distributes 3,000 sanitizers to essential service workers

Accra, March 31, GNA – Ark Medical Centre has distributed more than 3,000 sanitizers to the Police, restaurants, fuel station attendants and other essential services to carry out their duties carefully as efforts are made to contain the coronavirus.

Presenting the items to the beneficiaries, Mr Stephen Boadu Appiah Jnr, Managing Director of Ark Medical Centre and other staff of the facility said as parts of the country were locked down, it was important to remember those risking their lives to work.

“Because of how essential their jobs are, we have to protect those who protect us,” he said.

“The Corona Virus is a global pandemic, the government is doing a lot and everyone is contributing too. As a health facility, we felt we should support our clients and the community at large.

“We started with distributing nose masks and tablets of vitamin c to our clients and climaxed it with this venture, distributing 3000 bottles of hand sanitizers to the community and Essential Service providers.

“We feel very proud of what we have been able to do as our contribution to the ongoing crisis. It was heartwarming to hear an old lady pouring her heart in appreciation because she couldn’t afford a hand Sanitizer at the hiked prices. Each time she asks, the price had gone again and again,” he added.

He said all hands were on deck now, and that was why the Centre supported and focused on the bigger community apart from their clients with FDA registered hand sanitizer to the community.

Chief Inspector Kofi Rashid, who received the items on behalf of the Tesano Police Station, commended the centre for the gesture and pledged to make judicious use it.