Bulgarian Hunting Season Opens, Competent Institutions Plan Checks

Sofia, Aug 13, (BTA/GNA) – Deputy Agriculture Minister Valentin Chambov opened the hunting season on Saturday together with a hunting party near the Danubian town of Silistra, the Agriculture Ministry reported. Chambov wished the hunters good luck and urged them to adhere to relevant legislation and safety rules.

Traditionally, the hunting season in Bulgaria starts on the second Saturday in August. It begins with hunting for quail, turtledove, woodpigeon, woodcock and snipe. Hunting for turtledove is a privilege which Bulgarian hunters enjoy for the third year in a row compared to other European countries, thanks to the policy of the government. An individual may bag up to eight turtledoves a day. A monitoring of this species began in Bulgaria earlier this year at the request of the European Commission.

The competent institutions will continue to check compliance with hunting safety rules, biosecurity measures and fire safety regulations for forest areas.